Friday 3/22/2024
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
Proverbs 1:7
Warm up (watch first 15 minutes for warm up)
For time:
60-second L-sit
30 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
20 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second hang from the pull-up bar
10 shoulder-to-overheads
60-second L-sit
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lb
Today’s workout falls within a moderate time domain. All of the holds and hangs are cumulative. Break as needed and chip away. To keep the workout moving, scale the L-sit hold to a variation that allows you to maintain at least a 10-second hold. Scale the hang to a variation that allows you to maintain around 30 seconds at a time. The load on the barbell should be light-moderate. You should be able to perform at least 10 reps unbroken with the weight you choose.
3x10 RDL’s
Cool down
Choose any area that’s tight and hold a stretch for 1-3 minutes or complete self myofacial release (foam roll/lacrosse ball) for 1-3 minutes