Saturday 3/2/2024
“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.”
Proverbs 19:17
Warm up (no video for the below workout, watch first 15 minutes for warm up)
5 rounds for max reps
:30 OH hold
:30 rest
:30 lateral med ball throws (R/L)
:30 rest
:30 lateral med ball throws (R/L)
:30 rest
:30 alternating forward lunges
:30 rest
Choose a challenging but doable weight for the overhead hold. Choose a moderate weight for med ball lateral throws. Keep lunges unweighted
3x20 seated calf raises
Cool down
Choose any area that’s tight and hold a stretch for 1-3 minutes or complete self myofacial release (foam roll/lacrosse ball) for 1-3 minutes