Tuesday 7/25/2023
For max rounds + reps
30 burpees
Then 30 minutes of
400m sandbag carry
40yd reverse bear crawl
20 alternating single arm bar hangs (bring arm down, touch side of leg then grip to bar for 1 rep)
Immediately after 30 minutes complete
30 burpees
♀ 35-lb sandbag for object
♂ 50-lb sandbag or object
Minimal equipment:
Use and object for the run
Reduce object load and run distance, change reverse bear crawl to forward bear crawl or shoulder taps, use bands for assistance in bar hang and modify burpees to step back and/or step up
Barbell shrug 3x10
SPP (Specific physical preparedness):
Train/practice a particular task or skill for your specific goal
Exodus 17