11 Natural Ways To Get Your Energy Back
If you find yourself with low of energy and not wanting to train or just demotivated on a daily basis, you can go through these 11 steps and see if they can give you the boost you need.
first one is sleep, making sure you have a sleep routine key. Eight hours minimum and you want to keep that routine through the weekend. So if you go to bed at 10 o'clock you should be waking up at 6 a.m or even slightly later but at least eight hours and keep that same sleep and wake time.
Next is water you want to get at least 67 percent of your body weight in water as a baseline
Electrolytes is third. Add in a little bit of Himalayan salt into your diet just to make sure you're getting those in
Five fruit/vegetable color groups: green, blue and purple, white and tan, yellow orange and red
Protein, make sure your daily intake is somewhat close to your body weight in grams
For starches make sure you're getting some through root vegetables or tubers like potatoes, yams, squash, etc… also other sources if you respond well to grains that's okay or legumes (beans or peas)
Next is fat so mostly looking at nuts and seeds. Have at least one serving each day
Number eight would be grounding, if you know what this is. Basically it’s stand in the grass barefoot and absorb nutrients
Next would be to walk outside in nature for some good clean air, sunlight and increase in blood flow.
The next one is box breathing, that's going to be breathing in for five seconds, holding for five seconds, breathing out for five seconds, holding for five seconds and continuing this pattern as long as you like and the
Finally the most important one is to pray. If you're really struggling ask God and you will receive through his timing, so make sure you pray in spirit. Ask God for energy for strength and he will guide your path.
Go through these eleven areas to and make sure you hit each one of them and it shoulD help with your energy.