How Long Does It Take To See A Measurable Improvement In Your Training?

Hey guys, this week we want to cover how long it takes to see measurable improvements in you're in your training. First let's cover gene expression and how that fits in, so in order for our genes to be expressed an adaptation to happen workouts have to be hard enough. As most you guys know the wind bike is probably one of the hardest things to do. So in order for me to see measurable improvements in this I'll have to go about 42 days six weeks of some type of training program. You will start to see results after about 10 days of this but we really start seeing that adaptation occur around six weeks.

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To best organize this we want to have some variety within that training block. If I'm trying to improve how fast I can do 30 calories on the bike we're not going to do the same thing every time. I want to have some variety with efforts being a little bit shorter while some being longer. This will help the body adapt and deal with both kinds of stimuluses. There also will be the practice element of the bikes and the skills of it will help improve not just the physiological side which is more the stamina, endurance and strength but also the neurological side. 

Within all this we're pretty much looking for that goal of super Compensation. When we train hard enough the brain is going to tell the body this is really really tough we're going to have to change a little bit. What happens after a hard training session you get fatigue you need recovery time and then after recovery time then you have your super compensation. After you're six weeks you're going to see the full benefit right after a taper (five to ten days) depending on the athlete and how you're recovering. From there you are ready to compete or test how much more fit you are. 


Wednesday 8/16/2023


Tuesday 8/15/2023