Monday 1/22/2024
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105
Todays Workout
The video below includes warm up, GPP, accessory, SPP tips and cool down. Just press play and follow along. The text version is listed under the video
Full workout
Warm up
The video below includes warm up, GPP, accessory, SPP tips and cool down. Just press play and follow along. The text version is listed under the video
8 rounds each for max reps
:30 cone agility: Sprint, lateral cut, sprint (see video above for visual)
:30 air squats
:30 med ball chest pass
:30 rest
Use a moderate weight for med ball and hit your best depth for air squats as possible
3x15 single leg deficit single leg calf raise
Cool down
2 minute coach stretch