Saturday 12/16/2023
“But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”
Matthew 24:13
Todays Workout
The video below includes warm up, GPP, accessory, SPP tips and cool down. Just press play and follow along. The text version is listed under the video
Full workout video:
Warm up
Follow first 15 minutes from video above
10 minutes as many rounds and reps as possible
10 transitional jumps
5 bar muscle ups
Rest 2 minutes
10 minutes as many rounds and reps as possible
20 walking lunges
10 toes to bar
Complete jumping bar muscle ups or a pull up followed by a push up or dip if you cannot complete bar muscle ups. Modify toes to bar to knees to elbow ms, feet over hips or knees over hips
50 banded face pulls
Cool down
2 minute upward dog position