Wednesday 2/12/2025
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Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near;
let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,
and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
-Isaiah 55:6-7
Warm up
For time:
100 bear hug walking lunges
80 dumbbell woodchopper (40 per side)
60yd broad jump
40yd reverse bear crawl
20 cal row
10 burpees
Bear hug walking lunge: 25/45Ib plate. Dumbbell woodchopper 25/35Ib DB.
2x12 lying plate neck flexion and extension
This is where you add in your goal specific or weakness training.
Add a small amount of practice/training before or after workouts.
View our movement library for ideas:
Aerobic Conditioning
Scheduled every Thursday, these days are meant to work low-moderate heart rate zones and further develop the oxidative system. If you would like to progress in this area without over training complete 1-3 sessions a week (including Thursdays session). Ask us for additional guidance
Cool down
Pick tightest area to stretch or roll for 1-3 minutes
Complete additional stretches, SMR and/or active recovery as needed
Always focus on technique first, this will raise the ceiling of your long term performance higher and keep you injury free. Next comes intensity, adaptation only occurs when something is hard enough for the body to change.
On days you feel good hit the workout hard, on days you feel not great dial it back and be super technical and controlled. Some days you might just need to change it up, get out and go for a swim, paddle board, play a sport, etc.
Spring Community Workout: TBA