How Much Should You Be Able To Back Squat?
This week we're going to go over how much you should be able to back squat. We are looking at the minimum threshold and for health this should be at least your body weight. Why I say at least your body weight is because of three three particular reasons. The first one is bone density, second is mobility and third is strength and positions. First for bone density this gives us a little bit of an Indicator where someone might currently stand. We know that resistance training will increase bone density and If you're able to back squat at least your body weight will know that your bone density is at an okay state. There could be other factors but we can kind of look at it and that way.
The second one is mobility, placing load especially in a back squat and being able to do your body weight In a position below parallel while having good posture is a good indicator in your mobility. It also helps with mobility just doing the movement with body weight or any loading.
Third part is strength and positions. So now that you're able to get into a good solid back squat below parallel with good form and with body weight on the bar we know that you are strong in those positions. If you're ever in a situation where you're in a deep squat and you have to hold something heavy or just have some loading on your back, we'll know that you'll be okay and your body will be accustomed to it.
One additional piece in regards to mobility in that back squat Is you're not just testing the ankle knee and hip mobility but also showing mobility in your shoulders and spine.
so if you're not able to backsquat your body weight work up to it. Remember to start with a good solid air squat and progressively work up to it and you'll eventually get there. See you next week!