Tuesday 12/12/2023
“But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”
Matthew 24:13
Todays Workout
The video below includes warm up, GPP, accessory, SPP tips and cool down. Just press play and follow along. The text version is listed under the video
Full workout video:
Warm up
Video: https://youtu.be/rUUPk0kAqKg?si=LT6v0gShNiOboiwU
Text: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-FpBurdil0m2wz4r5pEHjQkxtJG15spuAKggbLZwRH0/edit
5 rounds for max reps each round
:30 Ring rows
:30 rest
:30 double unders
:30 rest
:30 alternating DB snatches
:30 rest
Choose a ring row variation that works best. Complete single unders instead of double unders if needed. Use a moderate-heavy weight for DB snatches
Middle School
Complete 10 minutes of double under practice
3x :20 split squat hold (R)/:20 rest/:20 split squat hold (L)/:20 rest
Cool down
2 minute hamstring stretch